- Install R
- R Studio (for ease otherwise R itself is sufficient)
Assumption : You know what your working directory is and where you have to keep the files to upload.
Data, Data Warehouse, Data Analysis, Data Science and beyond!
Assumption : You know what your working directory is and where you have to keep the files to upload.
Function | Usage |
AlNum | Cab be used to check if the given string has alphanumeric characters |
Alpha | TRUE if string is completely alphabetic |
CompactWhiteSpace | all consective whitespace will be reduced to single space |
Compare | Compares two strings for sort |
ComparNoCase | Compare two strings irrespective of Case in-sensitiveness |
ComparNum | Compare the first n characters of the two strings |
2. $ENV
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Challange: How many minimum processes would this job make? No combining set on any stages.
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Challenge: What would happen if the column names of that table contains characters which are not supported by DataStage? Would this job fail or Run? If fail then why? If run then what would be the output?
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Periodic log clearance would not only improve the performance but would keep the metadata database healthy. There are two ways to clear the job log:
1) by setting the clear log property present on director client under Job menu. There are options to choose from. You can purge the log just after the job run or purge upto previous few runs or days or till particular date. This approach is fairly simple can be performed by the developer having appropriate access rights. This approach is also project dependent.
2) by using the logging admin. Logging admin is a utility which can be executed on the server from command prompt. following command can be executed from command prompt in order to purge the logs:
Loggingadmin -user <<admin user>> -password <<admin password>> -create -schedule -name "DS Job log purge" -frequency -minutes 30 -threshold 10000 -percentage 100 -includecategories IIS-DSTAGE-RUN.
Happy working...
Ideally the user information should be automatically stored into UV_USERS file. This file will not have any information in it if the particular user has not got access on the file. Make sure a new user has access to the file and then ask user to try a login.
It is worth checking whether user credentials have been setup properly if a general user credential is not being used. User credentials can be checked by logging into DataStage web console --> user credentials.